The Last Frontier in Saltwater Fly Fishing.
Anglers from around the world flood to Alaska each season in pursuit of the boundless fly fishing opportunities available throughout the 49th state, however, most overlook, and often don’t realize, the incredible saltwater fly fishing options that we have here in The Last Frontier. With the proper gear, boat, and knowledge, saltwater fly fishing for halibut, rockfish, and salmon can be an exciting angling experience to compliment your Alaska fishing adventure.

We use a variety of premium fast-action saltwater fly rods, reels with strong sealed drag systems, and a multitude of weighted and unweighted lines to tackle our Alaska saltwater fish species on the fly. Rod and reel outfits range from 7 to 12 weight; 7/9 weight for rockfish and salmon, 10/11 weight for smaller halibut and ling cod, and 12 to 14 weight for larger halibut. Saltwater fly fishing in Alaska requires a variety of fly lines to cover a multitude of fishing scenarios including floating, intermediate, and 300 to 700 grain sinking lines. Flies consist of an assortment of saltwater baitfish and attractor patterns in various colors, sizes, and weight to cover all of our targeted fish species, times of the season, and fishing conditions.
Although we have no problem harvesting fish to take home, we encourage catch and release on trophy fish and limited harvest on all fish that we catch. For salmon and rockfish, the fishing occurs in the top part of the water column which allows for minimal mortality rates on fish that are properly handled and released quickly. I prefer to use barbless hooks when catch & release fishing and carry deepwater release tools in the event that anglers hook into non-pelagic fish that require deep water releases. If an angler would like to retain fish we are happy to fillet your catch on the return trip into port and help arrange for your fish to be processed back at the dock. We kindly ask that you please only take what you will eat.

Alaska has a large variety of pelagic and non-pelagic rockfish species that are fun and exciting to catch on a fly rod when stripping baitfish imitations or chugging surface poppers! We primarily target the more abundant pelagic species including Black, Yellowtail, and Dusky rockfish at shallower depths close to drops offs and subsurface rock piles. Non-pelagic species such as, the bright orange colored, yellow eye are deep water bottom dwellers and are often caught while fishing for halibut.
Resurrection Bay and its surrounding near coastal waters have great numbers of “feeder” King/Chinook salmon from May to mid-July, pink salmon mid-June through July, and large consistent returns of Silver/Coho salmon from mid-July through September. King salmon range from 20-40 pounds and are a challenge to get on a fly but well worth the reward when you hook into one of these powerful fish. Silver salmon range from 8-16 pounds and arrive to the north gulf coast bays and inlets in large numbers and, at times, are eager to eat baitfish patterns and brightly colored attractor patterns.
Halibut are among the most notable, desired, and largest, of Alaska’s saltwater sportfish. These bottom feeding dwellers can tip the scales at over 250+ pounds and put on an epic battle when caught on fly fishing gear. In the spring, an abundance of baitfish populate our inland waters that attract schools of halibut allowing anglers to productively target these monstrous flatfish at shallow depths. Typical halibut catches range in the 20 to 80 pound class with daily opportunities at 100+ pound trophies.